Greetings Friend. If you read our post about Doors Opening in Kenya then you are aware that Wanted Alive (with the help of our Faithful  Kenya Overseer) and Donors are making a LIFE SAVING IMPACT   among those suffering severe poverty. None of us choose where or to whom we will be born, but what a Joy it is when people come together to help those born into undesirable and challenging circumstances...Read More

Doors Open in the Slums of Kenya, Africa! 

When we first envisioned Wanted Alive, as some of you know, it was going to be a mobile bus operation. The idea was to be  available in College areas and not far from local places where unborn babies lose their lives by parents who are mislead to make choices they will regret. We wanted to engage with young people contemplating abortion and a have a mobile office where ultrasounds could be done and counseling given. Well, 2020 hit and many things became uncertain.  We waited to see what direction made the most sense in light of all the changes going on in our world.

2023 came around and we received a message in our Facebook page's inbox from a young woman in Kenya, Africa:  Read more 

I'm Pregnant, Now What?

Congratulations! You have life growing within your womb. You may be experiencing a variety of emotions ranging from excitement to fear, frustration, and perhaps even indifference. Motherhood is a great calling, opportunity, and responsibility. Unfortunately, as a result of life experiences, there are many who do not understand the purpose of motherhood and overlook it. Many others, do not have the support necessary to feel equipped for their child.  We are here to support, provide and direct you to the resources to help you throughout your pregnancy and journey as a mother.  Read more 

Closing Planned Parenthood

Closing Planned Parenthood will NOT jeopardize low-income health care! Learn the Facts!

Resources for Dads

The world suffers when men are silent...And we hear you. It is unfortunate that many men are silenced in the discussion of the preservation of their children's lives. It is backward that men are continually villainized and robbed of their dignity and opportunity to raise their children. For those who need support, we are here as a resource. Read More

Moms Mentoring Moms

FREE MOTHERING SUPPORT! We know being a mother is no walk in the park! It is incredible and fulfilling work! It may seem daunting at times and takes much patience to see the fruits of our labor. Patience, especially with ourselves! 

Feeling like you could use some parenting tips?Wishing you had a MOM to teach you how to be a mom? Read More

Choose Life & Avoid A Life Of Regret

Feel free to send us your personal testimonies. Testimonies can have life-saving effects. Feel free to share the following testimony: #abortion Please take a moment to read my testimony if you’re thinking about aborting your baby. This is not something I like to share but, if it can help someone and save a life, I will share it all day long. I wish someone warned me... Read more

Officially Incorporated!

We are happy to say we were officially incorporated on June 20, 2019!

Wanted Alive was established to help the growing need to save babies from being destroyed before they have an opportunity to breathe in the air of this world of wonder that we live in... Read more

We are still here!

We are still here and seeking to SAVE LIVES!...Read more

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